The Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art presents Doc Watson, portrait exhibition

The Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art presents a summer exhibition featuring Sarah West’s, recent portrait of legendary folk musician, Doc Watson. In July of 2016, Sarah West received the honor of debuting her illustrative rendering of Doc Watson at the Doc & Merle Watson Museum during the 19th annual Doc & Rosa Lee Watson MusicFest ‘N Sugar Grove at the Historic Cove Creek School. Having just returned from debut exhibition,.. Read More

Art Classes- New Chapters in Cultural Arts Enrichment Community Outreach, provided by The Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art

The Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art presents New Chapters in Cultural Arts Enrichment Community Outreach On this day, in the Summer of 2015, the Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art launched our Cultural Arts Enrichment Program, as an avenue by which to reach further into our communities  and unite our region through the appreciation of cultural heritage, historic preservation, further community sustainability cultivation and art education. This program has.. Read More

The Bluegrass Sweethearts, presented by The Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art

Art extends beyond the visual. Intertwined are the worlds of Visual Art, Written Word, Music Composed and more. Passed down through the centuries, each yield themselves to preservation, and conservation of our rich and diverse history. Our history, we feel should be shared and properly preserved for future generations. As owner of the Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art, I am delighted to announce our Second Annual Cultural Arts Enrichment,.. Read More

Writing to Remember

Writing to Remember “I write to remember,” these resonant words were spoken by author, Lee Smith at a recent book signing. Just weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending her lecture at the Margaret Mitchell House & Museum. Among stories shared complimenting her memoir, Dimestore, she told buoyantly of her days in Grundy, Virginia. Through these stories she captured fond recollections of her childhood, family and hometown region.  .. Read More

Doc & Merle Watson Museum to exhibit the artwork of Sarah West

Doc & Merle Watson Museum to feature the artwork of Sarah West at Historic Cove Creek School of Sugar Grove, NC 2016 Doc & Rosa Lee Watson MusicFest ‘N Sugar Grove July 15th & 16th, 2016 It is a sincere honor to announce that Sarah West has accepted invitation to exhibit within the Doc & Merle Watson Museum at the historic Cove Creek School in Sugar Grove, North Carolina. In.. Read More

the Water’s Edge

the Water’s Edge Allow your heart to smile today. Let peace and tranquility renew your spirit. Stand in the sunlight and immerse yourself in its energy. Surrender to the magnetic pull which draws upon your senses. Listen to the voice which guides you steadfast towards your appointed destination. Approach each step with gratitude and unbridled enthusiasm. Drink from the well that quenches your thirst and sail upon the winds propelled.. Read More

Movements & Scores Centuries Apart

The artist locks the door to the atelier, casts lighting upon her easel and a chosen score starts to play. Every work adapts to music’s tone. A mood is set which reflects the artist’s own. A score of tranquil fluidity shall commence, caressing the listener’s ears as paint from canvas drips. Palette knife swishes with scratchy overture. The brush quickly follows, smoothing out life’s messy bits. Unconcerned with audience or.. Read More

The Art of Celebrating Who We Are

The Art of Celebrating Who We Are Sentimental ties to the autumn season, familiar places and reminiscent things; they converge this time of year reminding me of all that evokes inspirations of heart and soul. I arrange the season’s hues upon my palette and record player exalts familiar sounds. The heart flutters and is filled with warmth as leaves fall, rushing to the ground. A delicate plume of powder rises.. Read More

An Evening with Jim Avett- Life’s Shared Pages

An Evening with Jim Avett -Life’s Shared Pages- His voice bears the rugged charm of the American landscape. His constitution reflects that of a man from a different age. With a quiet walk he carries a vintage guitar and fine weathered books. His hat tipped low casts a shadow ‘cross his face; behind familiar frames lies a distant gaze. Whether standing on the mid-west plains, an Appalachian ridge or his.. Read More

The Sarah West Gallery of Fine Art celebrates 7 years whilst painting the future with vibrant hues

Arriving to the studio, coffee in hand, I turn a key that I’ve turned time and time again. I take a deep breathe and silently say a prayer. Crossing the threshold with gratitude to live each day, the life that I’ve imagined, the life that I have painted. Twas over a decade ago that this journey truly began. Yet, just yesterday, a young student turned to me in studio, and.. Read More